Focus T25 Workout Online Free Average ratng: 4,1/5 5714 reviews

The Focus T25 workout created quite a stir in many fitness circles. If you’ve heard about Beachbody and their products you are already familiar with it. In a nutshell, Focus T25 is a dvd workout program designed to give you a great looking body in just 25 minutes a day.

If, on the other hand, you’ve done some of their workouts over the last couple of years, as I did with the Insanity Workout and the Insanity Asylum, it is justifiable to have big expectations for this one as well.

We decided to make this Focus T25 workout review as to give you the most detailed information about the Focus T25 workout and set your expectations straight. Hence this review is slightly different from other Focus T25 review out there.

Namely, I’ve finished the Insanity workout, went for an on and off relationship with it for a while, then completed the Insanity Asylum.

So writing the Focus T25 review from my perspective would have been wrong for couple of reasons. First, any results I would have witnessed could have been easily contributed to my previous investment in fitness, and second I will never get to know the full scope of what the Focus T25 workout is capable of.

And here steps Bojan, the co-editor of this site, who decided to took the challenge and write about it in this Focus t25 workout review. He was out of shape for couple of years back, not overweight per say, but lacking muscle definition and wanting to burn some fat tissue, not familiar with any of the Beachbody exercises no matter how hard I tried to persuade him. Long story short, being the perfect lab rat for this Focus T25 review, he stepped in.

And as to add more weight to this Focus T25 review, he will write about his whole experience, and me, being the fitness addict and having tried all of the exercises in the Focus t25 workout, will just add my occasional comment as to compare the Focus T25 workout with the rest I’ve completed.

How and why I started with the Focus T25 workout


The Focus T25 workout… So where do we start? If you’ve read the introduction by Slavko, you might guess how fun this trial was. After a while of going back and forth, he convinced me to try it out. Not that I was skeptical or anything of the like (seeing the results he got from Insanity and Insanity Asylum), but knowing how hard those workouts were I never really seemed to harness the will power.

That and not having time were my go-to excuses whenever he would bring the subject of fitness up. Now that I’ve never tried Insanity is not entirely true. He probably don’t even know this, but I’ve once put one DVD and did the warm up after which I decided to abandon exercise altogether. To say it was hard would be a huge understatement.

He tried convincing me on a couple of occasions, reassuring me that I would reach my fitness goals – achieving less body fat percentage by losing weight, adding some muscle mass and definition, and overall an improved physical condition – but weighting that on one side of the scale against how hard the process was going to be, I somehow never seemed convinced enough.

And when the Focus T25 workout came out, he couldn’t say it better, I was the perfect lab rat for this Focus T25 review.

If you already bought the Focus T25, you can stream it with the new Beachbody On Demand streaming service, which allows for streaming of beachbody workouts anytime, anywhere. You can read more in this Beachbody on Demand review.

What does the media say about the Focus T25 workout

By the way they Focus t25 workout marketed you can tell that it distinctly differs from the other ones in the line. Whereas Insanity was introduced in the lines of working out hard, this is more about working out smart.

The biggest asset, and something Slavko was very skeptical about at the very beginning, was the time needed for each workout – only 25 minutes. And this was the biggest leverage for making people buy it when you think about it. It also was something that made more experienced fitness guys like Slavko disregard the Focus T25 workout altogether at the very beginning, not anymore though.

Another thing that makes the Focus T25 workout different is how many days per week you are about to invest. While both Insanity and even more so Insanity Asylum Require 6 days per week, here you will work out only for 5. That is, if you don’t count stretching on Sunday – which cannot be really thought of as a workout. The Insanity Max 30 workout with 30 minute workouts emerges as a competitor for Focus T25. The Max 30 workout is thoroughly explained in this Insanity Max 30 review.

If you’re looking for something easier, you can check out the Cize workout. Read more in this Cize review or check out the Piyo Workout via this comprehensive Piyo Review.

What else caught my eye was the fact that the Focus t25 workout was divided into phases, which were said to provide progress as you go along. Unlike Insanity, here you start slow and build up from there.

Slavko bought the Focus T25 workout and decided to set a date.

He said that he will go over each of the workouts once and see how they compare to the other programs, and judging on the experience he had with those programs as well as being a fitness coach for a while, he would guess on what kind of results I should expect.

Shaun T – the person behind the Focus T25 workout

If infomercials haven’t drilled this information into you yet, let me do that in a second. Shaun T is the person behind the Insanity workout as well as The Insanity Asylum Vol.1 and Vol.2, Hip hop abs, etc… He has a degree in sports science and a minor in theatre and dance. Choreographer, dancer and a fitness trainer for quite a long time, it is fair to say that he is up to the task.

It is said that Shaun T made the Focus T25 workout for Carl Daikeler, the CEO of Beachbody, creating a program which will allow for staying in great shape while coping with busy schedule.

He also invited over Tania, from the Insanity workout program, who was post pregnancy, having given birth to her son couple of months prior to the workouts with the test groups started taking place. Her transformation with the Focus T25 workout is something that created quite a buzz in the fitness community.

Over the years I learned to appreciate Shaun T quite a lot, having done both Insanity and Insanity Asylum. He is an incredible motivator, being able to push me through hell when I did the Asylum.

Having said that, I will try every workout of his that comes out in the future, and this makes me slightly biased towards his products, but I will try to hold my enthusiasm in check and not make this Focus T25 review look like a sales letter. Instead I will try giving you the most informed opinion on why the focus t25 workout either suits you or not. I hope Bojan will do the same.

Focus T25 review – what should you expect?

Before continuing with Bojan’s thoughts about his experience, let me share with you what I’ve told him after going over the exercises myself.

First of all it was apparent that the Focus T25 workout was fairly easier in comparison with Insanity. Not to mention Insanity Asylum. If not trying to race against the clock and go all out on every set, I was somewhere in my comfort zone.

This meant that business wise, Beachbody decided to target a slightly different demographic – people who wanted results, but were afraid of punishing themselves with insane amount of exercise day after day.

It is really interesting to know that all you have to do today is only 25 minutes of working out. With Insanity, especially the second month videos, it was a constant struggle, knowing that I will be in agony for a whole hour. I learned to love it though, but some people seemed less pleased with that and ended up feeling frustrated, eventually giving up.

Here, in the Focus T25 workout, you have only 25 minutes, and unlike Insanity or Asylum you can do modifications.

Another great thing about the Focus T25 workout is that it can satisfy a larger demographic as well – fitness beginners can easily progress to a rather formidable level, while fitness veterans can also get what they want if they simply push themselves as hard as possible (these exercises are, the majority of them, bodyweight exercises meaning that you use your own body as to supply the resistance. And instead of counting reps, you do as many as you can in 30 seconds or one minute. Here is where those who want a challenge can push themselves- just try to do one more rep every time).

Having this said, the Focus T25 workout is not for everybody. If you decide to do handful of repetitions of one exercise in 30 seconds and expect results I hate to break it to you but it won’t happen.

This requires mental power and willingness to break a sweat. As long as you are sweating and giving your best you are golden.

Another thing that is great is that here you also have Tania from the Insanity workouts (little do people know that she helped Shaun create some of his workouts), and she does modifications to almost every exercise. While this wasn’t that much important to Bojan since he tried to keep up with the rest of the crew, it might be for someone who is quite overweight or have struggled with an injury in the past.

Which brings me to another point – while advocating the Insanity workout, many people complained about the level of intensity thus fearing injuries. Here this problem is addressed very nicely. Not only that the warm-ups start slower and then build up in progression, but Tania is modifying each exercise, so the chance of injury is almost non-existent.

You will find her modifications very useful, especially with the one arm planks.

Get Focus T25 and all other Beachbody workouts for just $99

What is in the box?


You will get the 10 workouts from the calendars (alpha and beta phase) as well as a bonus one from phase beta. Also you will be given the Focus T25 nutrition guide and the Focus T25 calendar. Along with these you will also find a resistance band (a 15 pounds one) which can nicely substitute the dumbbells. Though I prefer dumbbells over a band. There is also the quick start review which is there as a formality. Anyway…

Focus T25 calendar

The schedule in the Focus T25 workout is really simple. You have this calendar for month one (the alpha phase) telling you which workout you do each day. Every Saturday is rest, Sunday for stretching (though this is so easy it is really a treat to your body and not an exercise at all).

Fridays are, as I mentioned earlier, intended for double takes – two videos back to back. This is of course if you feel you can make it, and while it adds quite a lot to overall results, you can really decide to follow up on them maybe every other week (kinda what I did). Then for the beta phase you simply put the beta calendar and that’s pretty much it.

You will also notice that the Focus T25 calendar for the schedule has two boxes under every workout. The one is for “nailed it” and the other for “barely made it”. Checking them without subjective excuses will allow for better understanding of your progress. In retrospect it pays out quite a lot.

Focus T25 review – the Alpha phase

The Focus T25 workout is divided into three phases. And I can easily see Beachbody turning this into longer series. They did so with the Insanity when Asylum and Asylum Vol.2 followed. This on the other hand, building more of a foundation for fitness novices, can stretch for much further.

There are three phases, each building onto the previous one.

Phase alpha is consisted of five workouts, and over the course of the first month it serves as a preparation and building a solid foundation for your fitness progress. The workouts are still pretty hard, but it never leaves you wasted like Slavko complained when he first started Insanity.

I used to go to the gym way back, and it always seemed like a huge waste of time, going back and forth, deciding what to wear each day etc. The relief here was that the Focus T25 workouts took exactly 25 minutes, and that was it. No additional sets, no “do this additional video for better results” nothing. Just 25 minutes. Except of course the optional double take every Friday, where it is advised to complete two videos back to back.

Sometimes I followed through on this and other times not (mostly at the beginning) but it worked out great at the end. Besides, you are doing this in the comfort of your own home. Which brings me to another important point- you do not need so much space as it is required for Insanity, and definitely far less space than you need for the Asylum. This was a BIG plus for me.

And the workouts kinda flew really fast.

What I suspect helps in this time perception is the music. And it should, considering the fact that they’ve spend quarter of a million dollars just for the music alone (Don’t take my word for it though; it might only be a rumor). It slowly builds up, in a way dictating the dynamic and tempo of the exercises, helping you push more and more providing additional focus. And then all of the sudden it is all over.

What I especially liked here was the cast size – handful of people, great camera angles, allowing you to pay better attention to form.

What I didn’t like was the fact that there is no rest. This actually makes the Focus T25 workout really hard considering the 25 minutes it takes to do it.

Granted, you have exercises designed to lower your heart rate here and there, but overall it is all intensity all the time. You will be surprised how much sweat will come out of you in only 25 minutes.

What is interesting in this phase is that you are faced with a huge lifestyle change (working out and eating healthy by following the nutrition plan), and yet you are not overwhelmed whatsoever.

I guess this is due to the fact that Focus T25 has you working out 25 minutes per day, not making you fatigue, not creating any major food cravings, leaving room for more stress and energy to be put into healthy choices and habits. Not to mention that your schedule will not take any hit at all. Another thing I liked a lot.

Focus T25 Alpha phase review – The workouts

I will jump in here for a second and try to comment on the videos from a somewhat more experienced point of view. Here is what I think each of them does:


It is interesting how the cardio starts slow here and then gradually builds up. It mainly focuses on the lower part of the body, preparing your calves and quads for what is about to come.

What is interesting is that it targets the lower abs as well, which probably provides for the biggest weight loss around the abdomen area that is to come. The moves are not that much complex but it will wear you down nonetheless.

Ab intervals

This is a great ab workout and it will probably leave you sore in your abdomen for days the first time you try it and even afterwards.

What is great here is that Shaun T combines specific abdominal exercises with cardio centered ones. This burns quite a lot of fat in that specific area, and builds even stronger and denser muscle. Your lower abs are targeted a lot again.

Lower focus

As the name implies, this focuses on your lower part of the body, mainly your thighs, making this exercise slightly harder than the previous two. It is to blame for the drop in pants size you will be quick to notice. A lot of specific and almost static exercises which are centered around your thighs and butt.

Speed 1.0

You will notice that this Focus T25 workout review hardly touched the subject of performance. Bojan doesn’t pay that much attention to that probably. I however, being obsessed with fitness, do. And speed 1.0 is probably the first video in this phase that is centered more towards athleticism than specific body sculpting exercises.

The lot of leg work causes you to be light on your feet, improving your speed, jumping power, agility, balance… This also provides for a lot of cardio and even better results in the lower part of your body.

Total body circuit

This Focus t25 workout is unlike the others since it introduces you to the exercises and then they repeat themselves adding more intensity. It is a circuit progression type of training, similar to the Insanity Asylum.

It also introduces some more complex movements, like the shoulder tap push-up, the plank walk followed by a jump into a squat position, as well as the spider lunge which will target your oblique abs.

We can say that this workout is centered more upon the upper body when compared to the others and it is a perfect introduction to the beta phase.

Focus T25 Alpha phase review – the results

By the end of this phase the Focus T25 workout started working as I hoped, yet without the frustration of feeling exhausted and fatigue as I expected.

The first week was hard mostly in the sense of trying to catch breath, taking breaks more than I expected, and getting used to some soreness due to years of inactivity. Then I guess my body adapted, and I felt like a different person.

What strike me the most was that almost every part of my body felt tighter, and I felt my energy levels to be greatly increased. Also, my conditioning improved quite a lot and I felt like I can do things I wasn’t able for quite a while.

By the second week I was sleeping like a baby (not that I had any problems before though) and was quite alert throughout the day. I guess that’s what exercise does to you.

Following the nutrition guide for the most part and having completed the first two weeks, I decided to check on my progress.

Measurements showed positive reassurance – Almost 8 pounds lost, and judging on muscle definition, I guess it was all fat tissue. The most noticeable results showed around the waist area, and thighs. Though the chest felt more flat, and arms quite more defined.

By the end of the first month, alpha phase, I’ve lost 5 additional pounds and seemed to have even more of a muscle definition. What I noticed the most was my physical conditioning which was by now greatly improved. I guess I could have done some of the Insanity videos with ease now.

Get Focus T25 and all other Beachbody workouts for just $99

Focus T25 review – The Beta phase


By now it showed very clearly that alpha phase was not only a foundation and preparation for improved overall shape, but also a lifestyle redesign. I was eating healthier, having more energy, feeling stronger and more confident. I kinda started loving fitness and waiting for those 25 minutes in the day where I will now push myself harder.

And beta phase is exactly that – pushing harder.

Focus T25 Beta phase review – the workouts

First of all the workouts shift gear, centering quite more upon core strength. One of the videos – dynamic core- requires so many ab contractions that you feel the switch in intensity from the alpha phase right away.

The speed video requires way more leg work and ups the ante quite a bit too.

But what made this phase even more interesting was adding the resistance. I used 12 pound dumbbells, and these two workouts – Rip’t circuit and upper focus – have increased my upper body strength by quite a lot. I also started to notice more muscle definition, especially in the shoulders and arms.

Slavko mentioned that he recognized more exercises from the asylum workouts in some form, so I guess that added to the aspect of strength. Even the cardio video – core cardio – tackles strength quite noticeably.

As for speed, I noticed being even lighter on my feet and my coordination, balance in space, and control over the whole body as a whole have increased exponentially.

The warm-ups are also getting noticeably harder, making you able to jump right into the hard part more easily. Needless to say, every move becomes more dynamic while lot of new ones are being introduced.

What is also noticeable at first is that the music is slightly more dynamic, and the speed 2.0 video will have you dancing like you wouldn’t believe. I was also surprised when I heard flute during the core cardio video – I guess that rumor about Beachbody having spent all that money on music was not out of nowhere.

I especially liked the upper focus video exercises, and this video actually challenges your strength by introducing as complex exercises as the chest fly with your legs raised.

What I didn’t like were the modifications. If they made sense a lot during alpha phase, here they seemed very easy and rather funny. Anyway…

Focus T25 Beta phase review – the results

By the time week two was under way the abs were showing quite a lot, and if I flexed them I could already see nice blocks separating and even see the line where the lower ones are going to appear separated too. I noticed that there was no fat around my thighs any more, and both the hamstrings and quats were lot more defined.

At this moment I felt not only encouraged, but even had great results to show. I went for a weekend away with a group of friends (I think it was right after the second week) and they all were amazed by my transformation. Little did they know that I was only half way from the real results.

This brings me to another point – in a conversation I once had with Slavko, he complained about not being able to go over the Asylum workout videos while he was away on a vacation. With the Focus T25 workout though this is not that big of a deal, since you don’t need a lot of space and they all last for 25 minutes.

12 pound dumbbells are not that big of equipment if you think about it. And we are talking beta phase here. Alpha doesn’t even need any additional equipement. Besides, instead of dumbbells you can take the band with you and still have an equally challenging workout.

Let me jump in here for a second and say that the beta phase adds quite more strength work from what I’ve noticed. And like Bojan have said it also introduces a lot of complex movements that tackle others aspects of your overall fitness, such as flexibility, agility, explosiveness and power above all. Speed and coordination are also addressed quite a lot too.

I find this phase to be perfect for those who are already in great shape and would like to spend the minimum time on maintaining it or even improving some aspects of it.

It provides muscle contractions, especially in the abs (the dynamic core video is somewhat derived from the Asylum Vol.2 program – a lot of burn in a short period of time without doing any traditional ab workouts) every time you do it. This translates into breaking plateaus and constantly seeing progress.

Focus T25 review – the final results


The focus t25 workout is indeed divided into three phases. However, having in mind that the third one – the gamma phase – is purchased separately and is optional in case you want to go even further, it is concluded that the Focus T25 workout is really just the alpha and beta phases. Therefore, this Focus T25 review covers the results I got from two months out of which one was the alpha phase, and the other beta.

The gamma phase is really – as Slavko says – a ticket to the Insanity Asylum and elite training, so I will leave it to him to go over the workouts in another review. I will try it myself too, but since I finished the beta phase I was doing videos here and there as to keep in shape, so I might give it a week or two as to prepare to step into gamma.

Here are the results after two months with Focus T25:

  • Lost over 22 pounds.

    Now I really have to buy some new pants. Many of the people I know noticed this and some have even said that I look different not only in my body, but my face as well.

  • Six-pack.

    I have a six-pack and I still lift up my shirt just to make sure it is there – this is awesome.

  • My legs are all muscle.

    I guess this is where I notice the biggest change, and probably why pants refuse to fit, but are loose instead.

  • Increased muscle definition in the arms.

    I never imagined having such muscle definition in my arms, especially shoulders, and chest too. And albeit my back is not that muscular it is 100 percent different from what it was before.

  • I look like an athlete, I feel like an athlete.

    I can do almost anything with my body. Two days back I went playing basketball with some high school friends of mine, and to say that I was physically superior would be an understatement. Writing this down brings such a smile on my face even now.

  • I started loving fitness.

    Being a competitive swimmer when I was young was very fun. All these years have passed and I really forgot how fun physical exercise can be. I had a love and hate relationship with fitness for quite a while, but now it has become a part of who I am.

  • I eat better, I sleep better, have tons of energy.

    There is no way I’m skipping exercise for two days in a row . Now I usually do beta videos (mostly upper focus, dynamic core and core cardio here and there), but mix in some alpha here and there just for the fun.

Get Focus T25 and all other Beachbody workouts for just $99

Focus T25 nutrition guide

As with all Beachbody programs, what they try to sell is not a set of exercises, but rather a complete approach towards being healthy and looking and performing great.

Same deal here. In the package you will receive a nutrition guide featuring principles of healthy diet tuned to meet your goals, as well as meal recipes which will help you make better food choices.

The recipes are exactly 25, made with 5 ingredients and in a very short time.

The carbs and protein and fat ratio is similar as with the Insanity program, meaning that roughly 40 percent of your meals are consisted of carbs, the other 40 of protein and the rest are fats.

You are also given the calorie quiz, which helps you determine how many calories per day you should eat. Note that I never counted calories, but simply followed the principles outlined into this book.

What is also great about the Focus T25 nutrition guide is that it lists 25 healthy foods that you should have at home at any time.

There also are three common questions which they address into this nutrition guide, such as: What if I notice food cravings, what if it is really late and I feel like I’m hungry, and what if I want to do a double charged workout in terms of intensity.

Co-editing this site I’ve learned a lot about nutrition myself, but it was still interesting to flip through the nutrition guide.

Focus T25 workout vs The Insanity

Many people are trying to compare these two workouts, so I feel it’s important to give my two cents on the matter. Shaun T himself has said that these workouts should be seen as two completely different entities.

You see, The Insanity workout is for someone who has the mental readiness to do whatever it takes to get to great results. It is for someone ready to “die” during each workout, and it is understandably harder.

However, the Focus T25 workout, albeit not wearing you down that much can still provide for similar (will tell you to what extent different) results. Here are the points where they differ:

  • The Focus T25 workout lasts only 25 minutes while The Insanity workout can go up to an hour.
  • The Focus T25 workout builds up every workout down from zero, while Insanity starts with high intensity right away.
  • The Focus T25 workout guides you slowly through fitness, allowing for modifications, while with Insanity it is drooling over the floor every single time.
  • The Insanity workout is harder, but due to the length of the workouts can cause catabolic effects (too much stress to the body) which in turn allow for only small amount of muscle gain (that’s why it will burn every ounce of body fat you have on you), while The Focus T25 workout can add some bulk too.
  • In the Focus T25 workout there is more leg work and interesting dance moves, as well as more strength based exercises. The Insanity though is the king of cardio.
  • In the Focus T25 workout there is weight or resistance added into the equation, while the Insanity workout is only about using your own body weight.
  • Both last for two months, and both cost pretty much the same, though with the Focus T25 workout you get a band as a bonus included into the package.

Where can you buy the Focus T25 workout from?

*Update – All Beachbody workouts, as of recently, are sold through their subscription model titled Beachbody on Demand. Therefore, I’d recommend the official Beachbody On Demand website.

The cost is $99 for a yearly subscription, but get this – you will also have access to All of their latest programs, All of the popular programs (such as Insanity and P90X), and as if this wasn’t enough – All of Beachbody Future releases!

The subscription to Beachbody on Demand comes with a 30 day money back guarantee as well.

Get Focus T25 and all other Beachbody workouts for just $99

Final words from this Focus T25 review

Even though fitness addicts like Slavko say that this is not that hard, I struggled quite a lot at the beginning. Beta phase was also painful at the start. So the Focus T25 workout is not for everybody. It requires quite a lot of will power despite the fact that you have only 25 minutes per day.

The lack of frustration and mental struggle associated with workout programs like the Insanity workout made it easier to enjoy the ride and focus more on nutrition and leading an overall healthy lifestyle. I look way better, I feel a lot better and my physical readiness is off the charts.

I will definitely continue doing the Focus T25 workout since I’m hooked now, and it seems that the results continue to improve. I owe it to Slavko for convincing me to take the challenge.

If I have to describe Focus T25 using a sentence I will probably say that it is a gradual progression that gives you ripped looks and pro level of athleticism for only 25 minutes per day.

Do you have to work up the motivation or the courage to go to the gym? Is it difficult for you to find the time, find a sitter, or find the right outfit to wear to make it to the next fitness class?

Then the real question is…why are you still trying to GO somewhere to workout?

Gone are the days when you have to go to a gym or fancy fitness boutique to get an awesome workout in. It is now simple to follow a workout anytime, anywhere with online workout streaming.

I am all for following online workouts at home. What is there not to love? You can workout on your own schedule, in the comfort of your home (or wherever you are), without waisting time or gas to get to the gym.

And online workout options are growing. When I set out to make this list, I thought that there would be 10-15 options for on demand online workouts. 44 awesome options later, I am bringing the entire list of full-length online workouts to you.

You can use these workouts as a complement to your established workout routine, or use them on their own. They are full-length workout videos you can follow along with anywhere you have an internet connection. There is a workout for everyone on this list.

This list is an extremely long list, so to here are my favorites first…

Beachbody On Demand


Okay, those are my top 2 picks, now let’s take a look at the other 42 options you have!

Fitness Blender

This husband and wife team have been making full-length workout videos in their studio (aka their garage) for years. They have become more and more high-quality over the years and have recently added new features to their program, including the ability to schedule your workouts on your own personal calendar or choose one of their many workout plans to follow. All of their online workouts are free and they continue to add more and more. They incorporate everything from yoga to kettlebells to HIIT training.

Best If: You like a lot of variety in style, length, and difficulty of workout.

What I Like: There are so many different workouts to choose from and you can narrow it down by workout length, difficulty, equipment needed, training type, and body focus.

What I Don’t Like: It’s a little too beginner for my current fitness level, even at the highest level of difficulty.

Cost: Free

Bikini Body Mommy

Briana Christine is the mom behind Bikini Body Mommy. She hosts free 90-Day Workout Challenges for her viewers to follow along with. She records each video in her living room and posts a new workout each day during the challenge. She is currently on her Challenge 4.0, but you can easily go back and watch all her videos from her very first challenge on her website or YouTube Channel.

Best If: You like shorter workouts (typically 10-25 minutes) with limited equipment.

What I Like: She’s real. She struggles through some of the workouts just like a real person would.

What I Don’t Like: There is only one trainer so if you don’t like Briana then you’re out of luck.

Cost: Free

Ballet Beautiful

Mary Helen Bowers offers an online workout service like no other. The fact that she is teaching live ballet and it’s interactive online makes it very unique. In addition to her live classes, she offers personal training sessions and online streaming videos to watch on your own time.

Best If: You want to workout with ballet-inspired fitness.

What I Like: She offers live classes.

What I Don’t Like: There are no other workout options besides ballet.

Cost: $35 for a one-time 1-hour live class. $280 monthly membership that includes unlimited online live classes. $39.99 monthly membership that includes unlimited access to the streaming library. $10 for each online streaming video without a membership.

Barre 3

In addition to in-studio classes and DVD workouts, Barre3 offers an online workout subscription program so you can workout at home in Barre style. Sadie Lincoln is the founder of Barre3, but there are several other instructors to choose from. You get to choose from 10, 30, 40, or 60 minute online workouts. They even offer pre- and post-natal online workout options. Barre3 gets its name by combining three elements to the workout: 1. Isometric holds 2. 1-inch controlled movements, and 3. Large dynamic movements.

Best If: You’re looking for a low-impact barre workout.

What I Like: They also include a 7-day and 28-day nutrition plan with their online membership.

What I Don’t Like: Most of the workouts make use of the Barre3 ball and will need to be purchased from the online shop.

Cost: $15/month, $70/6 months, or $120/year depending on how long you want to commit.

Crunch Live

Crunch gym is known for their amazing group fitness classes and they have taken them live! You can access over 70 online workouts from Crunch Live. Everything from yoga to hardcore cardio.

Best If: You like to workout with variety.

What I Like: They offer a huge range of classes and a lot of different trainers.

What I Don’t Like: I couldn’t find any pricing information until I registered with my email and the free trial only lasts for 3 days.

Cost: $9.99/month or $90/year

Beachbody On Demand

Follow along with some of the most popular home fitness programs like P90X, Insanity, Turbofire, and Brazil Butt Lift. These programs have proven results and are now available to stream instantly in your home. Each fitness program comes with a nutrition plan, results tracker, workout calendar, and quick-start guide. Workout with the entire 21, 30, 60, or 90-day program from start to finish. This is what I personally use. You can read more about Beachbody On Demand here.

Best If: You want to follow some of the most effective home-fitness programs there are.

What I Like: Everything you need to be successful with the program is available to download. The nutrition plan. The quick-start guide. The workout calendar. You also are a part of the Team Beachbody Club, offering additional resources such as personalized meal plans, a personal support coach, and online goal trackers.

What I Don’t Like: The newer Beachbody programs are not available in your On Demand member library unless you purchase the program.

Cost: $38.87/3 months. 30-day free trial.

EMG Live Fitness

EMG Live online classes are recordings of fitness classes from all over the world. They offer some unique classes that you wouldn’t have access to in your area without EMG Live.

Best If: You’d like to try some unique classes from instructors all over the world.

What I Like: They offer new classes regularly.

What I Don’t Like: There are only a handful of workouts available to stream at one time and the quality of the videos are not great.

Cost: $2/workout or $19.99/month unlimited membership.


Choose from various styles, teachers, levels, and durations of online fitness classes. They offer anything from 5 minute up to 60 minute full-length HD workout classes.

Best If: You are a beginner or are just starting to get into a fitness routine.

What I Like: They offer several 8-week structured workout programs to follow so there’s no guessing which workout to do.

What I Don’t Like: The workouts are very straight-forward but a little too simple for someone who is more advanced.

Cost: $12/month, 15-day free trial

Physique 57

Physique 57 is a barre-based workout, blended with interval training meant to fatigue your muscles, called “interval overload”. This is a workout popular with celebrities. In addition to their in-studio classes and DVD option, Physique 57 also offers online streaming of their popular workouts. Classes range from 10 minutes to about 35 minutes. There are also prenatal classes available.

Best If: You are looking for a high quality in home barre-based workout.

What I Like: Monthly online workout subscribers can join the monthly challenge to push themselves further.

What I Don’t Like: An in-home ballet barre is recommended for many of the workouts and theirs sells for $225.

Cost: $57/month unlimited online access or $5-$7 per workout rental


This YouTube channel offers high quality full-length workouts from popular trainers like Jillian Michaels, Billy Blanks Jr., and Denise Austin. They have over 1 million subscribers and continue to add new workouts weekly.

Best If: You want a variety of workout styles from top trainers.

What I Like: You can also join their free BeFit Workout Systems and follow along with a playlist workout plan for 30 or 90 days.

What I Don’t Like: Unless you are following one of their planned workout system playlists, it can be challenging to figure out which workout to choose and when.

Cost: Free


Pilatesology offers in-studio and online classes taught by instructors trained by Joe Pilates himself, and his protege, Romana Kryzanowska. Pilatesology has over 700 classes available to stream online. There are workouts of various lengths, from 5 minutes to 120 minutes. They offer the most comprehensive pilates online workouts.

Best If: You like classical Pilates.

What I Like: You can choose a workout based on bodily needs, such as back issues, or pre-natal and post-natal classes.

What I Don’t Like: While there are a lot of no-equipment classes available, many classes incorporate the use of a Pilates apparatus that most people will not have access to at home.

Cost: $19/month or $150/year. 10-day free trial.

Suzanne Bowen Fitness (SBF)

Suzanne Bowen offers memberships for unlimited online workouts and access to a catalog of over 200 workouts targeting different body areas. Workouts range from 10 minutes to over an hour. With her membership she also offers custom workout plans based on your goals, an online community for support, as well as a food plan.

Best If: You want the feel of having an individual personal trainer in your home.

What I Like: She offers a Facebook accountability group for SBF members for additional motivation and support.

What I Don’t Like: She is the only trainer so if you don’t like her methods then you’re out of luck.

Cost: $9.99 monthly membership, $49.95/6 months, $79.90/year. 48-hour free trial.

Daily Burn

DailyBurn offers a large variety of online workouts from top trainers. Workouts vary from 10 minutes to one hour. Their secret is in the variety of workouts they offer so you won’t get bored with your workout.

Best If: You want a variety of workout styles from multiple top trainers.

What I Like: You can choose from over 15 workout programs to follow based on your personal goals so there is no guessing which workout to do.

What I Don’t Like: You can’t preview a workout before signing up for a trial.

Cost: $12/month. 30-day free trial.

Jessica Smith TV

Jessica Smith is all about fun and family-friendly online fitness routines. She is a fitness professional who films full-length workouts in her own home for you to follow along in yours. Most workouts are 10 to 30 minutes long.

Best If: You want to follow simple, un-intimidating, short workouts with limited equipment needed.

What I Like: Jessica and her French bulldog Peanut are fun to watch.

What I Don’t Like: Sifting through the ads to get to the workouts.

Cost: Free


StreamFit is teamed up with Men’s Health magazine to offer over 300 workouts online. The workouts focus on metabolic resistance training. Online workouts can be narrowed down by goal, target area, or type of equipment. Duration of workouts range from 5 to 90 minutes.

Best If: You’re a guy and you want a guy workout.

What I Like: They offer 7-day or 28-day workout plans to follow.

What I Don’t Like: You can’t preview any of the workouts without signing up.

Cost: $24.99/month, $99/6 months, $179/year. 30-day free trial.

Sweaty Betty

Sweaty Betty’s get fit 4 free workouts offer workout videos and yoga videos to stream online for free.

Best If: You want to supplement your daily workout routine with a little something extra.

What I Like: They offer a little taste of some different workout styles.

What I Don’t Like: There aren’t a lot of workouts to choose from. I wouldn’t use this as a daily routine.

Cost: Free

Gaiam TV

An online Yoga program that offers Yoga challenges and guides throughout the year. They add yoga programs weekly.

Best If: You want to practice Yoga at home.

What I Like: They team up with nutrition experts for their challenges to offer nutritional programs along with their Yoga programs.

What I Don’t Like: There are only Yoga workouts.

Cost: $9.95/month. $95.40/year. First month is 99 cents.

The Daily HIIT

By Body Rock, The Daily HIIT is offering daily HIIT workouts. You can sign up now to be notified when their free workout challenges are available.

Best If: You want high-intensity interval training workouts for home.

What I Like: You are sent daily updates and reminders in your inbox so you can stay on track and know which workout you should be doing.

What I Don’t Like: I don’t know yet. The challenges are not yet available for viewing.

Cost: Free


Offering a variety of yoga styles, with beginner to advanced options, DoYogaWithMe is yoga online for all levels. Yoga videos include classes, poses, breathing techniques, and anatomy videos.

Best If: You want to dive into all styles of yoga.

What I Like: They have their own musicians who provide the musical background to each yoga flow.

What I Don’t Like: The quality of the videos is a little fuzzy.

Cost: Free. Donations and volunteer subscriptions accepted.


Over 200 online videos designed with the use of little or no equipment. eFit30 offers yoga, pilates, bootcamp style, circuit training, and even an online cycle class. The workouts are meant to get you fit in 30 minutes/day. All videos are available on their YouTube channel.

Best If: You want to follow a six-week free boot camp program.

What I Like: They offer a six-week bootcamp program that also includes a free downloadable food plan with food diary.

What I Don’t Like: I could not get the links from their website to work. You must go directly to their YouTube channel to stream the workout.

Cost: Free

SparkPeople Videos

These short 3-15 minute workouts are great introductions for working out. They also offer recipe and cooking tip videos to follow for improved nutrition.

Best If: You’re a beginner or just getting started.

What I Like: Very easy to follow quick workouts to get people moving who otherwise wouldn’t.

What I Don’t Like: No options for more advanced viewers.

Cost: Free


Celebrity trainer Nicky Holender offers “Stronger”, a workout program of 10 30-minute workouts with no equipment needed. With the Stronger program you get intense 30-minute workouts, including high-intensity interval training, plyometrics, and strength training.

Best If: You are ready for a challenge.

What I Like: Also offers access to MyPlate calorie and nutrition tracker and an online community for motivation.

What I Don’t Like: There are only 10 workouts.

Cost: Free

The Bar Method

In addition to in-studio and DVD classes, The Bar Method offers online full-length bar classes, as well as 20-minute “mini classes”. New Bar Method classes are added regularly. They also offer different levels from beginner to accelerated, and even prenatal online classes.

Best If: You want to focus on bar classes.

What I Like: There are many workouts and trainers to choose from.

What I Don’t Like: You may need to invest in one of their stationary ballet bars for your home.

Cost: $18/month for access for DVD classes only. $35/month or $12/week or $5/day for access to all online content and DVD workouts. $15 for the first month.


Wello connects you with a virtual personal trainer. You can search for and schedule online group classes or one-on-one classes with your trainer. Choose your trainer based on workout type and schedule. You can interact with your live trainer via webcam. Training types vary, including yoga/mind and body, pilates, therapy/rehab, general training, sports/performance, aerobics, and martial arts.

Best If: You are looking for one-on-one attention from home.

What I Like: You have the option of small group class workouts or one-on-one personal training sessions.

What I Don’t Like: You are unable to preview any of the classes before committing.

Cost: Small group class memberships: $49/month for 4 classes, $99/month for 10 classes, $199/month for 30 classes. 1-on-1 personal training memberships: $99/month for 4 workouts, $199/month for 10 workouts, $399/month for 30 workouts.


The goal of LIVEexercise is to offer full-length workouts you can do at home that are better than the workouts you can do at the gym. Choose your workout based on your overall fitness goal, fitness level, targeted muscle groups, or choose a 30, 60, or 90 day program to follow. They offer workouts that only use your body weight as well as some that require the use of home exercise equipment, like a treadmill. They have over 3700 workouts to follow.

Best If: You want a lot of variety and choices in your workout.

What I Like: They offer a workout for anyone, even kids and grandparents.

What I Don’t Like: There is no nutrition plan included and you can’t view any sample workouts before signing up.

Cost: $7.99/month. 14-day free trial.

Booya Fitness

Boutique workouts you can do in the comfort of your home, customized for you. They boast great music with their workouts that will get you moving. Booya Fitness offers a variety of workout styles and many trainers, everything from ballet to sports conditioning to HIIT to strength training.

Best If: You like unique boutique-style workouts with good music.

What I Like: Each workout description provides you with the style, equipment needed, estimated calorie burn, and duration so you know what you’re getting into before you even start.

What I Don’t Like: There are no pre-set workout plans to follow.

Cost: $9.99/month. $27/3 months. $99/year. 30-day free trial.


Move Me Fit has over 1000 full-length workouts to stream into your living room, or wherever you want to workout. They offer quick 5-minute workouts up to one hour. They bring together workouts from all different trainer websites into one place, including Fitness Blender, Jessica Smith, XHit, and many more.

Best If: You want to workout with a variety of trainers and workout styles.

What I Like: You can track your personal workout progress through your individual account.

What I Don’t Like: There is no nutrition plan included.

Cost: Free basic membership. 30-day free trial for premium membership. Premium membership $9/month, $48/6 months, $84/year.


Members of Udaya get 5 new yoga fitness classes a week and get unlimited access to the online library of workouts. As a Udaya member, you also get invitation-only access to the Udaya yoga retreats worldwide and access to Udaya’s fitness programs and wellness challenges. You can choose which Yoga workout you do by duration, yoga style, or difficulty. Workouts range from 5 to 60 minutes.

Best If: You want to improve your yoga practice from home.

What I Like: The videos are high quality and inviting.

What I Don’t Like: There is no free trial time.

Cost: $12/month

Cross Train

Cross Train’s mantra is to “train like an athlete”. They provide members with a new athletic training program each month that target a different athletic zone. You get access to the hundreds of online workouts and recipes as a Cross Train member.

Best If: You are in athlete training mode.

What I Like: They offer nutritional resources as well with access to over 200 recipes.

What I Don’t Like: There is no preview workout or trial period to see what you’re getting in to before signing up.

Cost: $19/month

Buti Yoga

Buti Yoga combines power yoga, tribal dance, and plyometric movements into a high-intensity workout. Founder Bizzi Gold works your core using her Spiral Structure technique. In additional to home DVD systems and in-studio classes, Buti Yoga offers online class memberships with three membership levels to choose from.

Best If: You want a unique workout style to do at home.

What I Like: It’s a unique workout style that you can’t get anywhere else.

What I Don’t Like: There is no trial membership.

Cost: $12.99/month for Lite membership, $39.99/month for Tone membership, and $59.99/month for sculpt membership.

Gym Ra

Offering 8-week workout challenges and the ability to customize a workout based on equipment needed, style, difficulty, and target muscles of the exercise. It uses a drag and drop method to create your own workout sequence from 100s of exercises. If you don’t want to create your own workout you can let Gym Ra do the work.

Best If: You’d like a comprehensive training program to get started in a routine.

What I Like: They offer a fitness and diet plan with their 8-week challenge.

What I Don’t Like: There aren’t a lot of advanced options.

Cost: $5/month. 30-day free trial.


Popsugar Fitness has a YouTube channel that features all their video workouts in one place. They feature a variety of celebrity trainers who will show you how to get the body of those celebrities.

Best If: You want to workout like the celebrities.

What I Like: It’s a good way to get a little taste of a lot of different styles.

What I Don’t Like: There is no workout program or guide to follow.

Cost: Free


This duo offers thousands of free online workouts and nutrition tips and recipes. You can join one of their complete 30-90 day fitness programs.

Best If: You want a free comprehensive training program you can do at home or the gym.

What I Like: You can connect with them on facebook for extra support.

What I Don’t Like: The Workout videos aren’t the best quality

Cost: Free


Cassey Ho is the creator of POP Pilates and she offers her online workout videos for free on her YouTube channel Blogilates.

Best If: You like Cassey Ho’s POP Pilates

What I Like: She offers monthly workout calendars to her subscribers.

What I Don’t Like: Cassey Ho is the only trainer so if you don’t like her methods then you’re out of luck.

Cost: Free

Workouts On Demand

Choose from over 200 exercise videos to follow. They take it back old-school with some step aerobics, but also offer newer styles like cardio kickboxing and yoga. You can also download some of the workouts for off-line viewing with the plus or premiere memberships. Workouts range from 5 to 45 minutes in length.

Best If: You are a beginner.

What I Like: They help you choose a workout based on activities you enjoy and your current fitness level.

What I Don’t Like: Not a great option for those at a more advanced fitness level.

Cost: $10.99/month for basic membership, $11.99/month for plus membership, $14.99/month for premium membership.

Cosmo Body

It’s the new online video fitness channel from Cosmopolitan. You get unlimited video workouts with new workouts added daily.

Best If: You want a variety in your workout with multiple trainers.

What I Like: They offer several targeted one to four-week online challenges to follow.

What I Don’t Like: You can’t sort workouts by anything except style.

Cost: 33 cents/day. 10-day free trial.


Stream workouts from Jillian Michaels, Doonya, Cassey Ho, and the girls from Tone It Up. You get a variety of workout styles and top trainers all in one place. Fit Fusion fuses together a variety of the best fitness videos from across the web for you to access. You can purchase the videos as video downloads, rent each video online, or subscribe for unlimited access to all videos.

Best If: You want a variety of workout styles from some of the top trainers.

What I Like: They offer a great variety with some of my favorite trainers.

What I Don’t Like: There is no fitness program or nutrition plan to follow so you’re on your own.

Cost: $9.99/month.

Body By Simone TV

BBS TV offers fun workouts for home by Simone De La Rue. You don’t have to live in LA or NY to enjoy BBS workouts.

Best If: You like the high energy of Simone.

What I Like: She offers trampoline classes that look like a lot of fun!

What I Don’t Like: You have to purchase a trampoline to do the trampoline workouts.

Cost: $9.99/month.


Find thousands of yoga and fitness workouts on Grokker. They sift through all the workout videos on the web and bring them to you all in one place. They also feature cooking videos to help you get your nutrition on track.

Best If: You want a variety of workout styles from multiple trainers.

What I Like: They have a Q & A forum for you to get support.

What I Don’t Like: In addition to their cooking videos, I wish they offered a nutrition plan to follow. Otherwise, there is nothing to complain about.

Cost: Free for basic membership. $14.99/month premium membership.

Acacia TV

Offering interval training, strength training, dance, yoga, pilates, ballet and barre, and cardio bootcamp online workouts and growing.

Best If: You are a beginner who wants some variety.

What I Like: They have a “fitness for any age” section for those looking to stay fit with age.

What I Don’t Like: You are unable to preview a workout before signing up for trial.

Cost: $6.99/month, $14.99/3 months, $49.99/year. 10-day free trial.

Workout Hotel

Check-in online for your next workout. Workout Hotel takes all the excuses away. Need to workout on the go or with your kids? Workout Hotel provides you the way. Offers 10 to 30-minute workouts. Choose from four suites: pilates suite, cardio suite, strength suite, and kids corner.

Best If: You need to workout on the go.

What I Like: The Kids Corner is adorable!

What I Don’t Like: There aren’t as many workout options to choose from.

Cost: Free


Everyone’s yoga. YogaGlo is yoga on the go for all levels of practice. Classes range from 5-120 minutes. Over 2500 yoga classes offered with new classes added daily. They’ve simplified things by breaking down the yoga styles into three categories: yoga for the body, yoga for the heart, and yoga for the mind.

Best If: You want to focus on your Yoga practice or are just getting started with Yoga.

What I Like: They aim to offer yoga to everyone regardless of age, race, religion, or political vies.

What I Don’t Like: There is no nutritional plan offered.

Cost: $18/month. 15-day free trial.


A cardio Bollywood workout that is high-energy and fun. It’s called “The Happy Workout”. The online classes offer express 12-20 minute Doonya workouts.

Best If: You want a unique dance-style workout.

What I Like: It’s unique and fun.

What I Don’t Like: There are not a lot of videos offered online.

Cost: $9.99/month

Holy Yoga TV

Grow your Holy Yoga practice on the go. Each month you get access to a gentle, a yoga flow, a posture, and a power Holy Yoga practice. Each class video is 20-30 minutes long and taught by a Master Holy Yoga instructor. Holy Yoga is a place for spiritual growth.

Best If: You want to incorporate spiritual growth into your yoga practice.

What I Like: The Bible readings and reflections that are included with each video.

What I Don’t Like: You have to wait for each new month for view the next four videos.

Cost: $10/month

I like a workout program with a lot of variety to keep my body guessing. But, no matter which workout you choose, the important thing is that you do it consistently.

Online workouts eliminate all the excuses. You can do them anywhere, in little time, in whatever you happen to be wearing.

No more excuses. Just start streaming.