Bijoy Unicode Font Average ratng: 4,1/5 6337 reviews
From Bijoy Digital:

Bijoy Bangla App for Android OS is developed for writing Bangla in Unicode System with Bijoy Keyboard. You will have to download the App, set up and than use it. This App follows Bijoy Keyboard perfectly as it is in desktop PCs.

Bijoy for Android is a completely new version developed by us. After downloading the app install the APP, do the setup and you will be able to use it as it is being used in desktop PCs. This APP will work in the Android OS which supports Unicode Bangla. You can use it in Smartphones, Tablets and PCs.If you face any problem please contact us to have support. We are continuing its development and shall upload the newest version as soon as it is developed. Please use the newest version for more convenience.

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